Frequently Asked Questions

Remember, we're here to make this process as painless as possible. If your question isn't addressed below, please contact us! We are happy to help!


Q: I just came home from the hospital and all this equipment got delivered to my home. Can you help me?
A: Absolutely! I can consult you on proper application of the equipment. In many cases, because they do not have access to your home, the equipment ordered for you does not work in a safe application and I can recommend other equipment if necessary that you can request from you insurance or VA or purchase for yourself.  

Q: How do I know if I, or my family member will benefit from your service?
My ultimate goal is to help you age gracefully and safely in your home. If you or your family member has had a recent fall, extended hospital stay, or just feels unsteady when walking to the point that they use a cane, walker, wheelchair, another person’s arm or hold onto the walls & furniture, I can definitely help you understand ways to modify the home environment to promote safety and independence.

Q: What if I am getting home health or in-home care?
Ideally, you are contacting me before you even need any in home care. But if you find yourself here in a moment of need, I would advise you get a consultation with me as soon as possible. Be aware, there is no concern if you are getting in home nursing care to assist you. However, if you are under the care of a home health agency with therapists, my consultation can occur after they have discharged you. 

Q: I have a family member getting ready to discharge home from the hospital or rehab. When should I call you?
A: It is best to have modifications done as soon as possible before the patient discharges home, especially from a care facility like a skilled nursing or acute rehab. In those cases, you can show the staff the modifications that have been made and they can train your family member in preparation for that new environment.

Likewise, home health is typically involved after a lengthy hospital or rehab stay and their time is usually limited to only a few visits over a couple weeks and having modifications done before they arrive maximizes the time spent with them training on safe and proper use. Finally, when a patient returns home, if modifications are taking place, especially to a home they have lived in for an extended period of time, it can be quite invasive and frustrating. However, if those changes have been made before they return home, there is less stranger traffic coming in and out of the home, limiting the risk of infection spread as well as limiting the interruptions to rest, in-home therapy and the delays that construction and modifications inevitably pose.

Q: What exactly will you be doing when you come to my home?
A: I am being hired as a consultant. I will be using my years of experience as an Occupational Therapist and home modifications knowledge to help you understand how to best modify your home, both aesthetically and economically. I want to help you continue to live safely and independently in your home for much longer by limiting falls / injuries, which are the most common reason people can no longer stay home or alone.

I will be looking at how you interact with your home to understand its limitations and provide you with information about how to modify the home, from mild to extreme, depending on your desires. This information ranges from modifying just your bathroom with easily installable equipment, to whole home modifications, i.e. ramps / grab bars / widening doorways, to a comprehensive contractor consultation which includes drawings and plans. All consultations will include an emailed report containing all recommendations clearly detailed for you to purchase.